The reason: fixed interest expenses are absorbing a bigger and bigger share of state budgets, leaving a shrinking portion for everything else. 理由是,固定利率支出在州预算中的占比日益扩大,势必挤压其他支出占比。
The combination of fixed interest rates and an option to prepay helps to shield borrowers from interest-rate risks. 固定利率和提前还款期权相结合有助于保护借款人免于利率风险。
Hence low yields on fixed interest debt. 因此固定利率债务的收益率很低。
But the risks associated with a fund such as Pleiad and with fixed interest are not the same. Pleiad这样一只基金和固定利率产品在相关的风险方面不尽相同。
So, when is it smart to have a fixed interest rate? 所以,当它是聪明有固定利率?
In general, share investments produce better returns than fixed interest investments, particularly when money is invested long term. 总体来说,股票投资比固定利率投资的回报率要高,尤其是在长期投资方面更是如此。
Instead it has pointed to the impact it has had in bringing down market interests by supplying eurozone banks with unlimited amounts of liquidity at fixed interest rates. 相反,欧洲央行指出,该行按固定利率不限量向欧元区银行提供流动性,产生了带动市场利率下降的作用。
Investments that offer higher returns such as shares and property are more prone to value fluctuations over the short term than investments that offer lower returns such as cash and fixed interest. 投资,提供诸如股票和物业回报率较高,较容易出现波动的价值比投资在短期内能提供回报率较低,如现金和固定利率。
The ratio of a company's long-term funds with fixed interest to its total capital. A high gearing is generally considered very speculative. 长期混合利息资本占总资本的比例。该比例过高通常被认为是过于投机的。
Fixed interest goes through cycles. 固定利率产品有周期性。
The YTM is the current market interest rates, which could differ from the fixed interest or coupon rate paid by each bond. 到期利率是市场现行的利率,与债券的票面利率可能有差距。
In general, securities firms and banks to investors to provide this service will charge a fixed interest rate. 一般来说,证券公司和银行向投资者提供这种服务将收取固定利率。
If rates rise after they buy a home, they are protected by the fixed interest rate; 购买一套房屋后,如果利率上涨,他们会受到固定利率的保护;
The deposit tenor and the fixed interest rate offered for the first year are subject to change according to market conditions. 存款年期及首年定息皆会因应市场状况而改变。
On the other hand, the bonds coupon or fixed interest rate is determined at the launch of the bond and stays fixed during the bond's lifetime. 而债券的票面利率在发行时已定下,并在有限期内通常维持不变。
Even during the1980s, the decade of the stock market crash, one study show that over the whole of the ten years shares outperformed lower-risk fixed interest and property investments. 一项研究显示,即使是在20世纪80年代证券市场暴跌的整个十年期间,股票收益也高于低风险的固定利息和房地产投资。
Hitherto, they have been regarded as boring and dull compared with the attractions of marketable fixed interest securities; but clearly safety and risk aversion are now becoming more important. 迄今为止,人们一直认为,与可买卖的固定利率证券的吸引力相比,这些工具枯燥而无趣;但显而易见,安全和避险目前正变得更为重要。
This does not mean we have the same conversation with a Brazilian equity manager as with a US fixed interest manager. 这并不意味着我们会与一位巴西股票经理和一位美国固定利率经理谈同样的话。
Hybrid securities, which give holders ownership of the company but also pay a fixed interest rate, also enable banks to boost their regulatory capital requirements without diluting their existing shareholder base by issuing common equity. 混合证券不仅赋予持有者公司所有权,还支付固定利率。混合证券还通过发行普通股,使银行得以提高其监管资本金要求,同时不会稀释其现有股东的股权比例。
The returns will generally be a fixed interest rate during the term of the investment plus the principal invested. 一般来说,在投资期限里,回报是固定利率加上投入的本金。
Since 2008 Beijing has found it useful to have tame banks through which to direct credit to the real economy at fixed interest rates. 自2008年起,北京方面就发现,保持银行的驯服、并通过它们以固定利率把资金导向实体经济的做法十分管用。
The Nominal rate or coupon rate is the fixed interest rate on the bond. 名义利率或票面利率为固定利率债券。
First, a portion of their debt will disappear, with the benefit being the largest for those companies that have debts with fixed interest, such as corporate bonds. 首先,它们的部分债务将会消失,受益最大的是那些拥有公司债等定息债务的企业。
What we do know is that when the fixed interest prick happens, it will be potentially very nasty because the excessive exposure of banks to government debt markets creates serious systemic risk. 我们目前知晓的是,一旦固定收益市场的泡沫开始破灭,局面很可能非常糟糕,因为银行持有的政府债券规模过大,构成非常严重的系统风险。
So will commodities ever become a mainstream asset class for pension funds, like equities and fixed interest? 那么大宗商品最终会像股票与固定收益产品一样,成为养老基金的主要资产类别吗?
It solves the problem on the selecting of fixed interest rate and floating interest rate, and grants the issuers the advantages of debt management. 它解决了发行人在固定利率和浮动利率选择的难题,为发行人负债管理提供了便利。
Fixed interest system was the peculiar profit distribution pattern of China's joint stock companies in modern times. 官利制度是近代中国股份制企业中独具特色的分配方式。
Preferential and fixed interest rates should be the important feature of the agricultural insurance concessional loan. 利率优惠与利率固定应是农业保险优惠贷款所具备的重要特点。
This paper uses the probability criterion to guide the investor hedge and can hedge the option risk in the convertible bond and only get the fixed interest. 研究了依概率准则,投资者如果进行风险对冲,将可转换债券中的期权风险套期,而仅仅获取固定收益时的动态投资策略。
The emphases are to explain the disadvantages of fixed interest rate actuarial models and the advantage of stochastic interest rate actuarial models. 分析了固定利率精算模型的劣势和随机利率精算模型的优势,说明了在精算模型中引入随机利率模型的必要性。